Friday, June 13, 2008

Les was sustained as Bishop of the Daniel's Park Ward on June 1st. He seems happy with the new responsibilities. We love Highlands Ranch and everything about, home, community, neighbors and especially FRESH, CLEAN, COOL AIR!!!


Reed and Donna said...

Sometimes you just have to keep doing it until you get it right. As spoken by someone who's been there before, (twice). Have a great time.


Kendall said...

Congratulations I am sure you are very proud (If I were a 14 year old girl I would put a smiley face :-) and an LOL after that comment).

We just got a new bishop this month as well. He is a retired Navy Seal and now works in black ops with Seal Team Six at Dam Neck (Both of which aren't supposed to exist). He has worked with me over the last couple years in the youth program. It has been interesting at times to find out that he didn't come to Mutual because he went on an unannounced trip to Iraq or Afghanistan. Great guy and perfect for the position.

Good luck in your new calling. How is Scotty doing?

Norma's blog is:

Anne said...

That cool air must be nice! You know how it is down here - not so nice and cool. More like hot and muggy - remember? Glad you are doing well!

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving 2007
Highlands Ranch, CO

Can You Hear Me Now????

Can You Hear Me Now????
This is Barb Morrison (my baby sister) outside her home in Grand Junction, CO. The picture came from a news source on the internet. Does she have enemies or just looking for a good "bun warming"????

Can't forget Sophie!

Can't forget Sophie!