Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Clemie found her 9th Great Grandpa's grave. He

was the 1st President of Harvard.

1 comment:

Jason and Joanna said...

Hey Carol! Through "blog-stalking" from Kallie and Jonathan, to Annie & Johnnie's to Kendall & Norma's I found your blog!anyway, hope you don't mind! It was so good to see you guys a few months ago and playing some good games of Chicken Toes, or Feet, or whatever it's called!

Also- Bonnie wants to invite you guys to her blog, so if you could leave a post on mine with your e-mail, I will get it to her so she can invite you to hers. Hope that makes sense!

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving 2007
Highlands Ranch, CO

Can You Hear Me Now????

Can You Hear Me Now????
This is Barb Morrison (my baby sister) outside her home in Grand Junction, CO. The picture came from a news source on the internet. Does she have enemies or just looking for a good "bun warming"????

Can't forget Sophie!

Can't forget Sophie!